The client is one of the biggest air conditioner provider in Paris. They needed an app to manage the team and find out which of their installation is defective in real time.
We were two designer working on the project, me and Gabriela Olivares.
The desktop dashboard allows the managers to directly see the issues and send a technician to fix it.
This view helps the managers to see the incidents in real time and analyse the previous issues.
This app allows the technician to be more effective by getting more infos on the issue and spending less time writting reports.
Learning about the user is a mandatory step toward building a good prototype.
We analysed the users and created a user journey to find out where the issues were. The personas helped us understanding what type of users we were dealing with.
This allows us to design the how the user is going to navigate the interface.
Wireframes allow us to have a "preview" of the interface. This is particularly important as we need them for user testing.